Send us your artwork

If you have already created your own advert, please email this to us at as a high-resolution PDF file (please see below for further information).  

We understand that you may already have some artwork that you are happy with, that we can use to represent you in the campaign.

It makes complete sense to utilise something that works for you, you may need us to make some small tweaks to existing artwork, and where we can (assuming we can edit the artwork) we will do our best to help out.   

If you are not sure if your artwork is sized correctly, talk to one of our designers who will probably ask you to send it over so we can check it for you.

File Specifications:
Ideally we have found that Adobe PDF files transport the best, are usually emailable and contain all the information required.

We recommend that you produce the PDF using the “Print Ready” - high resolution preset and follow the guidelines set out on this page.

Model Releases:
Please ensure that you have permission to reproduce any images and that if they contain personal imagery – that you are released to use them.  

Getting artwork to us:
You may find that the file size is too large to email, we recommend using a FREE service like in these situations, simply upload your file to their webpage and provide us with the link that you will be given.

For those needing technical specifications:

Advert Sizes: 
    A4 Full Page with Bleed – 210mm x 297mm + 5mm Bleed 
    1/2 Page Landscape : 195mm x 137mm 
    1/4 Page Portrait : 95mm x 137mm 
    1/8 Page Landscape : 66mm x 95mm   

Colour Settings: 
Please supply all artwork in CMYK, with no Pantone or Spot colours as all publications are printed in process. We cannot guarantee absolute colour matching. 

Artwork Resolution:
All artwork should be in a minimum of 300 dpi, images off websites are rarely high enough quality unless very big. 

Gutters / Type Area
We recommend that you keep type at least 20mm from the horizontal edges of your artwork, this helps to avoid issues when placed against a spine.

Bleed for Full Pages ONLY:
Please make sure that you have added 5mm bleed if you are designing a full-page advert. Bleed is not required on any other size.

Always email with your artwork.

It is important that we receive either your advert or your design instructions within 2 weeks of the original agreement so that we can keep on schedule with the print and design process. However, if you are struggling with the deadline, talk to us - there's always ways we can help!